Tools for Students
This is the same exercise we use with all of our 1-on-1 students and in our groups. The goal of this excursive is to gain clarity on our top values and use these to prioritize life decisions, our practice and any creative project we have in our lives.
Access the Values Card-Sort Exercise.
Shinzen’s Map of Awakening
Shinzen Young, our primary teacher, has written extensively on the path of awakening. In this excerpt from his excellent essay, “What is Mindfulness,” Shinzen discusses the experience of awakening, from beginning to end.
Download The Return to the Source.
Metta Mindstate Meditations
These 7 Guided Metta Meditations are helpful for anyone wanting to explore the deeper side of metta (loving kindness). This technique, which I learned in Myanmar, focuses less on feeling pleasant emotions and more on using equanimity as a pool from which to draw our kind wish.